Global Domain Focused Base of Investors/Donors
GIA Advisors works with the best and the most focused investors globally. These investors can invest anywhere from US$100K to US$500Mn in the right opportunity. These include:
- Best global VC and PE investors.
- Large family offices that have an investment horizon of up-to 20 years
- Top workforce sector companies
- Top publishing houses in the world
- Top media companies in the world
- Top private sector education companies in the world in terms of revenues
- The best domain focused angels and angel platforms.
Now we are building the same network of environment focused investors/donors.

Creative solutions
Focus on creating solutions that solves real world problems
Domain Expertise: Given our domain expertise, we understand the cash flows of segments and sub-segments. We also understand the sources of funding to grow missions while keeping balance sheets healthy. This allows us to provide customized financial solutions to our those we work with.
Nuanced Cash Flows > New Funding Instruments: Due to our understanding of the various segments and the underlying cash flows, we have identified pain points for which we have started creating our own sources of capital that includes the creation of financial facilities that help solve critical pain points.
Case in point would be The Abundance Fund which is a facility that is getting developed to support the edtech and workforce tech components of the top global not for profits.